finally back from my pmo trip.
eagle ranch resort, port dickson.hmm, it was nice (:
i loves my form 5s & all my juniors.
although 2 days one night is not enough to play.
but it is really enough for us to interact.
enough for us to noe each other.
i loves u guys. u guys make this trip successful.
although all my muscles damn pain. but it worth.
right? i loves shen wen's idea, which is the candle of the night.
u let 'em noe wats mean
团结就是力量..i tot they duno how to win this game. but finally desmond said:
we merged together & we sure will win. & all of us shocked.
woww, we tot they duno about this concept,
but finally they did it! yea, you did it.
haha, u guys finally understand wats mean 团结..
we were very happy.
and luckily u guys love this game.
the next day, we had an obstacle course..
the obstacle course was scary and difficult.
but i did it. i din think before i can do it.
haha, especially use the hand and swing over the rod.
im proud of myself. although its hard, and it make my muscle so pain.
but its worth also. cos' it told me i can do it! hee (:
and the mostly, i like my guardian so much, who is tian yoon.
she is such a nice guardian. after she get my name, she asked me: how was me lately?
after tat, she gave me a cup of juice after i busy for my stuff.
then, she cooked me a chicken wing.
before i sleep, she put a chocolate on my bed.
the next day, she great me "good morning" using a paper.
then, make a love shape paper for me before going to obstacle course,
the love is useful for me cos' it can fan me. so i'll not be so hot.
during lunch, she help me to get a food.
erm, i think tat's all. she is just nice and caring.
loves her. (:
although our group, paint ball blue is not tat good in this trip,
but i still love my group member.
tian toon, lam lam, yi xuan, jia xin, shu ying, kang shen, shih min,
they did their very best is every competition..
especially in the obstacle course. hoaray*
we are the best, kay?
heeeee :D
p/s: photo will be upload later. cos' im busying with my homework and some stuff.
have to chao' dun miss me :p
.stay tune.